Buttock Lift & Brazilian Butt Lift – Objective
With aging, or more commonly after large weight loss, people may be left with empty hanging folds of skin. When this loose skin is surgically removed from the buttock, it is called a buttock lift. As with liposuction, buttock lift is not intended to correct obesity ; rather, the intention is to improve contour. Patients should be at a stable “ideal” weight before surgery.
Buttock Lift & Brazilian Butt Lift – Anesthesia
Dr. Nicolaidis always performs buttock lift & Brazilian Butt Lift surgery with general anesthesia.
Buttock Lift & Brazilian Butt Lift – Surgical technique
Buttock lift is designed to tighten loose and flabby skin in the buttock as well as improve the fold between the buttock and thigh.
Numerous techniques are described in order to treat different degrees of the problem. Mild cases may be treated with a “butterfly” buttock lift. Lower buttock lifts with or without a lateral buttock lift are considered for moderate cases of loose hanging skin. Finally, upper buttock lifts are required for more severe cases.
Liposuction and fat transfer by using fat injections (fat graft) are powerful complimentary techniques for buttock lift surgery, allowing Dr. Nicolaidis to sculpt the body. In fact, given the numerous problems with buttock implants, Dr. Nicolaidis prefers fat transfer over implants for augmentation of the buttock.
Buttock Lift & Brazilian Butt Lift – Recovery
Compression garments are placed at the end of surgery to reduce swelling, prevent collections and help scar down the skin. With smaller cases, initial discomfort is usually easily controled with prescription pain medication. With larger cases, a night of care in the operating center may be a consideration. Bruising and swelling usually subside within 1 to 2 months. It is important to note that minimal to no sitting is required for the first two weeks after surgery. Strenuous activities are usually possible after 6 to 8 weeks. Almost all symptoms are gone in 4 to 6 months.
Buttock Lift & Brazilian Butt Lift – Return to work
After buttock lifting, it is usually possible to return to work within 4 to 6 weeks, depending on the extent of surgery and the type of work.
Buttock Lift & Brazilian Butt Lift – Possible complications
Risks include swelling, bruising, bleeding, infection, scarring, and numbness which may be permanent.
Buttock lift & Brazilian Butt Lift – Post operative instructions
In the first week after buttock lift & Brazilian butt lift surgery, with or without butt implants, be sure to :
- Keep your dressings dry and clean ;
- Do not sit other than for the toilet ;
- Sleep on your stomach as much as possible, on your back if this is a major problem, NOT on your sides ;
- Do not force with your buttock muscles as much as possible. For example, minimize stairs after a buttock lift (Brazilian butt lift) surgery ;
- Wash with a sponge after a buttock lift (Brazilian butt lift) surgery ;
- Write the amount of drainage per day per drain (Please bring those results with you at your next visit with Dr Nicolaidis) ;
- Wear your compressive garments at all times after your buttock lift (Brazilian butt lift) surgery ;
- Walk at least 5 minutes every hour during the day (do NOT simply stay in bed constantly).
Your first post-operative appointment for buttock lift with Dr. Nicolaidis is very important, even if you feel very well. Call us as soon as possible if you do not have an appointment already scheduled (the first visit is normally scheduled before surgery).
After the first week of a buttock lift :
- Avoid sitting for another 2 weeks after your buttock lift (Brazilian butt lift) surgery. Patients can usually start sitting GENTLY after 3 weeks total, provided wounds are healing well ;
- Continue to keep your dressings dry and clean unless Dr Nicolaidis says otherwise ;
- Wash with a sponge in order to keep your dressings dry ;
- Protect your new scars from sun exposure for a total of 6 months ;
- Avoid lifting heavy objects until Dr. Nicolaidis gives permission ;
- Avoid bathing or showering until Dr. Nicolaidis gives permission ;
- Continue wearing compressive garments until Dr. Nicolaidis says otherwise ;
- In order to avoid blood clot complications, keep moving (walk regularly during the day).
Please note :
- It is normal to have mild swelling and bruising of the buttocks in the first weeks after surgery for buttock lift & Brazilian butt lift, with or without implants.
- For your comfort, be sure to take your pain medication as prescribe
For further information about buttock lift, please click here : American Society of Plastic Surgeons