Tummy Tuck /




The abdominoplasty or Tummy Tuck procedure is for people which are sometimes left with empty hanging folds of skin after pregnancy, serious weight loss, or sometimes just with aging. When this loose skin is surgically removed from the belly, it is called abdominoplasty or tummy tuck. As with liposuction, tummy tuck is not intended to correct obesity ; patients should be at normal or near-normal weight before surgery.

When considering alternatives to abdominoplasty in Montreal, “if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is”. In Montreal, there are many expensive devices on the market that claim to remove fat or tighten abdominal skin without incisions, abdominoplasty, anesthesia, etc. Sound too good to be true ? That is because it is too good to be true. As testimonials will confirm, many Montreal clinics buy these expensive devices in order to get patients in the office. And they are happy to transfer the cost of these devices to the patient. Ask for a GUARANTEE of results and see what they will say. Dr. Nicolaidis uses only PROVEN techniques that have stood the test of time. Abdominoplasty in Montreal is a PROVEN technique against which all other techniques are INFERIOR.


Dr. Nicolaidis always performs this surgery with general anesthesia.

Tummy Tuck Surgical technique

First, an abdominoplasty is designed to tighten loose and flabby skin in the belly by removing excess skin and fat below, then stretching the remaining skin downward in order to make the looseness and wrinkling less. This surgery may be combined with liposuction in order to improve fat bulges (not tighten loose skin). Also, abdominal muscles which are overly separated on the middle (known as diastasis) can be brought back together.

Unfortunately, loose skin cannot be removed without leaving scars, and abdominoplasty often means long incisions that result in long scars. Dr. Nicolaidis will make every effort to produce the best scars possible, and to conceal them in the least visible areas. Although scars will fade over time, it is important to understand that the scars will be permanent and that their final width, height and color are not entirely predictable. If the loose skin is confined to the area below the belly button, an alternative approach used by Dr. Nicolaidis is the « mini-abdominoplasty » with its resulting shorter scars. On the other hand, if the loose skin is not only in front but in the back and on the sides as well, a « belt lipectomy » may be necessary, with resulting scars all the way around the trunk, like a belt.

Montreal Abdominoplasty – Return to work after surgery

After your abdominoplasty, it is usually possible to return to work within 4 to 6 weeks.

Montreal Abdominoplasty – Possible complications

The most common complications of body contouring surgery are hematoma (an accumulation of blood under the skin), seroma (fluid accumulation under then skin) and numbness of the skin. Note that most of the feeling usually comes back. Hematoma and seroma may require intervention to drain the blood or serum that has accumulated if it is a large amount. However, problems with healing after surgery are also possible, especially in smokers.

Post Operative Instructions

In the first week after abdominoplasty

be sure to keep your dressings dry and clean. Therefore, we encourage you to simply wash with a sponge. Also, do not force with your abdomen or arms. In addition, write the amount of drainage per day per drain. Kindly bring those results with you at your next visit with Dr Nicolaidis. It is important to wear your compressive garments at all times. Equally important, walk at least 5 minutes every hour during the day. However, keep your body flexed at the hips in order not to put tension on the surgery. Avoid simply stay in bed constantly, since you could be at risk of developing blood clot.

Your first post-operative appointment for abdominoplasty with Dr. Nicolaidis is very important, even if you feel very well.

After the first week post op

Continue to keep your dressings dry and clean, and therefore, keep washing with a sponge:( Yes, we know, you have enough at this point! But it’s coming to an end:) It is important to keep your dressings dry. Also, protect your new scars from sun exposure for a total of 6 months. Again, avoid lifting heavy objects until Dr. Nicolaidis gives permission. Before you start bathing or showering, please ask Dr. Nicolaidis if he gives you permission. In addition, continue wearing compressive garments until Dr. Nicolaidis says otherwise. In order to avoid blood clot complications, keep moving (walk regularly during the day).

Please note that it is normal to have mild swelling and bruising of the abdomen in the first weeks after surgery. For your comfort, be sure to take your pain medication as prescribed.

We hope to have the privilege to treat you. To make your appointment or if you have questions or concerns, do not hesitate to call us. We would be gabby to assist you.

For further information about abdominoplasty, please click here : American Society of Plastic Surgeons