Objective of scar revision

scar revision man

Scars following surgery or injury may become more apparent for numerous reasons : tension on the wound, repair technique, complicating infection or wound opening. Dr. Nicolaidis will examine the patient’s scars and give his recommendations. Such scars can often be significantly improved by cutting them out and then either reclosing in several layers (in order to minimize tension) or breaking up the scars with “zig-zag” incisions. On the other hand, recurring raised scars which are often seen in people with darker skin may require combinations of injections, excisions, special dressings and/or radiotherapy.

An excellent example of this is a keloid in the ear lobule following ear piercing. Ear keloids will often come back after their removal and can disfigure the entire lobule. Although no surgeon can guarantee that a keloid will not come back, Dr. Nicolaidis has numerous approaches in order to minimize those chances and to recreate an attractive ear lobule, although smaller.

For further information about scar revision, please click here : American Society of Plastic Surgeons

